Reasons to analyze your call pattern
A good customer experience have been crucial since the dawn of time. We have all seen the old cave paints of customer satisfaction.
Like the cave men, most of you probably know that it’s much cheaper to keep a customer than to acquire a new one.
And customer satisfaction is created at different levels within an organization, but customer care often takes the spotlight.
For us, this department has the most interaction with our customers, making it the most critical. One thing we’ve learned is that customers expect answers, and they expect them right away.
But not all calls are answered and that’s why you need to analyze and monitor your call pattern.

Missed calls lead to dissatisfaction
Unanswered calls lead to dissatisfaction. If it happens repeatedly, you’ll quickly have a disgruntled customer.
And it’s twice as likely for an unhappy customer to share their negative experiences than positive ones. That’s why it’s important to handle all your calls.
But what are the most common reasons for missed calls?
3 common reasons for missed calls:
- Overload – The most common reason companies miss calls today is also the simplest to fix: overload. Sometimes, the number of agents available to take calls just can’t handle the volume of incoming calls. Balancing this is a challenge; you’ll need to weigh answer time against profitability and consider hiring more agents if necessary.
- Distractions – Agents are not solely handling phone calls but also emails, chats, and social media. This multitasking can cause them to get caught up in one medium, neglecting the other one.
- Poor System Support – Another common reason is inadequate or the wrong system support. How are calls distributed via an IVR? Do you have a fallback for longer queue times? Can you monitor missed calls and easily analyze your incoming traffic?
The importance of analyzing your call patterns
The obvious goal here is to minimize missed calls, assuming you can convert missed calls to followed up.
Missed calls will always exist, therefore it’s vital to make the most out of them.
First and foremost, ensure that you can easily analyze your call traffic and compare them to your KPIs.

Metrics to consider:
- How many calls are missed?
- How many calls are answered?
- How long do customers wait in the queue before hanging up?
- What’s the average answer time?
These are some of the things to look at when analyzing your incoming calls. Further insights include peak hours and when most calls are missed.

In this example, I can quickly see that the group receives most calls between 9-10 AM. That’s also when most calls are missed. However, almost all the missed calls during this time are followed up, meaning the customer hung up after waiting for x minutes, and an agent called back later converting the missed call to a followed up call.
These are some of the crucial data points to consider when analyzing your call patterns and making data-driven decisions. Now you are ready to ask your self:
- Do we need to staff differently?
- Do we have the necessary system support in place?
All this and much more can be done using ‘lynes analytics’, accessible both on mobile and desktop.
Developing with a focus on better telephony
We continuously develop lynes to offer our customers the best possible tools to manage their telephony in an efficient manner and Analytics plays a significant role in this.
With lynes, you’ll have the tools you need to minimize missed calls and convert them to follow-ups.
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