Answer group

With lynes, we've put a lot of effort into making the complexity of the business phone system as user-friendly as possible.

Answer group is more than just operating hours. It's a sophisticated, yet easy-to-handle part of your phone system that reduces the risk of missed calls and gives callers a better experience reaching out to you.

Advanced Features That Are Easy to Use

Seize every call and offer your customers the service they deserve. Lynes’ amped-up answer groups set the stage for memorable customer experiences. We ensure you’ve got the tools to never miss a call.

  • How many agents are on standby?
  • How many customers are in the queue? Our Dashboard provides a crystal-clear overview
  • When are calls at their peak? Dive deep into all the data with just one click

Skip Phone Queues – Manage Everything in the App

You can steer our entire ecosystem via the app – on mobile and computer – meaning you can make all adjustments without needing us.

You can handle:

  • Your operating hours with different schedule events
  • Log in and out agents
  • Create new or edit existing answer groups
  • Change how the answer group distribute calls
  • And so much more

We Adapt to You, Not the Other Way Around

An answer group can function in all kind of different ways. But don’t stress –  we can set up a standard flow and then tailor it to your business needs.

With lynes, it doesn’t matter if you’re a sales company, shop, customer service, or a “regular office”. We ensure your answer groups work exactly as you wish.

Of course, it’s possible to have answer groups that operate in entirely different ways depending on the department using them.

Answer Groups With a Bit Extra

All the basic features are naturally in place, like queue messages, call order, text-to-speech, and more. Beyond that, we’ve crafted features that genuinely simplify your daily grind:

  • Agent groups, to minimize the risk of missed calls and to highlight availability
  • Processing times, allowing agents a moment to wrap things up post-call
  • Pending calls on answer groups, facilitating your on-call groups
  • Transcribed voicemail for efficient management
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