
Microsoft Office 365 is a complete office suite in the cloud. It provides all the programs that companies need such as Excel, Outlook, Word, SharePoint and many more. The integration between Office 365 and lynes facilitates the work for the entire company.

Enjoy these features:

  • Contacts: Create, edit and delete contacts directly in lynes. Make sure your contact list is always updated with the new information.
  • Mail: Manage mail quickly and easily in lynes. Reply, delete or share the email directly in a chat channel to continue the conversation there. Full-featured Email Client!
  • Calendar: Automatically synchronize your calendar with lynes to let your team know when you are in a meeting, out of the office or working from home. Respond directly to event invitations and receive a notification when an event begins soon. Updated when information on a constant change and change your answer as needed.
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