Text Message Via Web

Send text messages to your employees, partners or customers through the web. Create templates, schedule when to send and see statistics. All in one convenient place

Time saving

Sending text messages via the web instead of your phone comes with a lot of advantages. Saving time is one!

Instead of calling or emailing just send a text message to your customer base with a promotion and i’ll guarantee a higher response rate. And a higher response rate should mean more business – You’re welcome!

A ton of features

Import contacts via excel

  • To quickly bulk add numbers from a CRM system or else we made it possible to import the numbers via excel

Create templates

  • When sending bulk messages it faster with the already made templates.

Schedule your messages

  • Use a template or write a new one. Set a time later on when you want it to send.


  • See how many you reach, how many who opens it and much more
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Text Message Via Web

SMS via Webben Description

card 1

card desc 1

card 2

card desc 3

card 3

card desc 3

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